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iPhone iOS4 Now

iPhone 3GS and 3G owners, plus iPod Touch-users, time to plug in to your computer and download iOS4.

We’re getting reports of the iOS4 being live, and it’s currently being downloaded by users right now. If it isn’t live for you yet, keep hammering that update button until it is. (Because if you can’t get it, then you might as well slow things down for people who can. I kid, I kid.)

You’ll need to have downloaded iTunes 9.2 (and you should run a manual back-up if you haven’t already). It’s the only way to get the brand new features in Apple’s latest OS that they announced a few months ago, including multitasking, fast app-switching, local notifications, and iBooks. For the list of the best new features, otherwise check out the official line from Apple below. [Apple]

Update: And here are the direct links to the update, courtesy of TUAW> This way you don’t need to wait for iTunes to tell you you’re ready for an update. YOU’RE TELLING IT.

iPod Touch 2G

iPod Touch 3G

iPhone 3G

iPhone 3GS

and iPhone 4

To install these, hit the update link while holding down the option button, so you can select the fiel you downloaded from your hard drive.

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