HP Officejet Pro Printer 8500 Driver and Software

HP Officejet Pro 8500 Printer
OS: Windows 7 All (32-bit), Windows 7 All (64-bit)
HP Officejet Pro 8500 Driver and Scan Driver Download for Windows 7
OS: Windows Server 2008 (64-bit), Windows Vista All (64-bit), Windows Server 2003 64-Bit Edition, Microsoft Windows XP (64-bit)
HP Officejet Pro 8500 Driver and Scan Driver Download
OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista All, Windows XP (64-bit)
HP Officejet Pro 8500 Driver Download
OS: Mac OS X, Mac OS X 10.6
HP Officejet Pro Full feature Software and Drivers – Mac OS X v10.6
Your link did not work .. i was wanting to access 8500 windows 7 64bit link for driver download thanks
this is best site.
It is exceedingly difficult to use hp officejet pro 8500a with windows vista.
Vista doesn’t recognize neither the usb cable nor the printer and the drivers
are faulty. Bejesus! Jean-Louis Haab, near Basel, Switzerland
I think is is crazy that i spend almost $300 dollars for this printer in less than a year. and then go upgrade my pc to windows 8, and the printer will not work. because the requirments does not except windows 8. none of the sells men tell you the truth when ask if it will except a new version. I ask that question and i was told that yes all new machines are made to except new updates. if i had of known this was going to be the case i could have saved my $1200.00. hp needs to make sure that there is signs and warnings on not doing no up grade on your pc cause the printer you have will not work. and if there is some new software that can be downloaded so that printer will run on windows 8 i would love to know what it is and where to find it. ty Pam