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Tag: Jailbreak 4.1

Download Limera1n to Jailbreak 4.1

Download Limera1n to Jailbreak 4.1 iOS on iPhone 4 3GS iPod Touch 4G 3G and iPad 3.2.2

This is totally unexpected but you can expect anything from GeoHot as he has released Limera1n. Limera1n has been released to jailbreak iOS 4.1 on iPhone 4 3GS, iPod Touch 4G 3G and iOS 3.2.2. The release is buggy as admitted by himself and is even beta. The true and trusted hackers have not recommended to use limera1n as it is even based on a stolen piece of exploit from @comex.

Here is the official description.limera1n, 6 months in the making, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G, iPad, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 4G, 4.0-4.1 and beyond++, limera1n is unpatchable, untethered thanks to jailbreak me star comex, released today to get chronicdev to do the right thing, brought to you by geohot, Mac and Linux coming soon, follow the instructions in the box, sadly limera1n isn’t one click, that’s the price of unpatchability, as usual, donations appreciated but not required, still in beta, pardon my ragged edges, zero pictures of my face, It has been only released for Windows and there is no version for MAC OSX and Linux but an intention has been showed.

Download Limera1n for Windows –Mirror

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