Vista Themes

‘Do download VistaVG Ultimate-Blue Theme for Windows XP.’

Editor’s Comment/ Vista Theme For Windows XP this capacity backpack includes two VistaVG Themes: VistaVG Ultimate and VistaVG Blue. Both of these were created by Microsoft MVP  ‘Vishal Gupta’.


1-Titlebar Text is apparent in Left now.

2-Accepted Tasks are aswell apparent in Left but I accept included a shellstyle.dll book for basal accepted tasks.

3-Aero appearance for 32x figure admeasurement is absence now.

4-Lots of new Vista images, like All Programs arrow, Explorer arrows, Startmenu images, Logoff/Shutdown images, etc.

5-A few colors changed.

Vista Themes image

Vista Themes image

Freeware – Free

OS: Windows 2003, XP.

Download Now (6.8MB)