Quick Menu Builder 1.31

Quick Menu Builder enables you to create custom, executable menus. Your custom menu is compiled into a stand-alone executable file and works on all versions of Microsoft Windows®. Production of menus is easy, fast, does not require programming knowledge, and the results are very impressive! The User interface has been designed to be intuitive and allows you to progress logically through your menus’ construction.

Construction of the menu is divided into steps and you have a substantial degree of freedom within each step and its available features. You can create a menu in several minutes or take more time to customize the menu, right down to the last detail. Every feature is customizable; each menu you create can be radically different from any other. The menus are created as an “under-lay” beneathe a picture. The “buttons” are installed into the picture, where-ever you would like them.

Each button can be assigned a different action (ie: execute program, explore folder, open document, open multimedia file, link URL, send e-mail and many more…). Quick Menu Builder supports animated GIF pictures, videos and Flash (Macromedia®) to assist you in bringing some liveliness to your menu. You can also link several menus and have access from one to another very easily. Quick Menu Builder is the most efficient way to build menus for all your: CD-ROM, DVD autorun, Application launcher(s) and many, many other multimedia projects…

You can good menu craete in quick menu builder, this program wonderfull.

Quick Menu Builder


OS Windows All

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