Python 3.2.2 Download

Python 3.2.2 (Download) is a continuation of the efforts to improve and stabilize the Python 3.x line. Since the final release of Python 2.7, the 2.x line will only receive bugfixes, and new features are developed for 3.x only.

Since PEP 3003, the Moratorium on Language Changes, is in effect, there are no changes in Python’s syntax and only few changes to built-in types in Python 3.2. Development efforts concentrated on the standard library and support for porting code to Python 3. Highlights are:

Python 3.2.2 Download

The currently support these formats for download:

The source tarballs are signed with Georg Brandl’s key, which has a key id of 36580288; the fingerprint is 26DE A9D4 6133 91EF 3E25 C9FF 0A5B 1018 3658 0288. The Windows installer was signed by Martin von Löwis’ public key, which has a key id of 7D9DC8D2. The Mac installers were signed with Ned Deily’s key, which has a key id of 6F5E1540. The public keys are located on the download page.

Source; MD5 checksums and sizes of the released files and Python 3.2.2 Download.