Address Flipper 2.41

FREEWARE application to store all your friend’s addresses in. Includes 2 name fields for all those Internet friends that you know rather by alias-name than by RealLife name

Why did I write this thing? Well, I needed a small and convenient app to store my addresses in, just in case something happens to my paper-based address book. Since a lot of available applications out there are either too large to install just for a few addresses, or didn’t give me the functions that I wanted (like having *two* name fields, one for the alias), I sat down and programmed this little gem.

It is FREEWARE, but please, if you use this application actively, send me a postcard of your HomeTown! The address to send this to is included in the program as of version 1.1, look in the About or Info page, button Cardware!

Address Flipper image


OS Windows All

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